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Seawater deaeration at very low steam flow-rates in the stripping section

E. Ghiazza, A.M. Ferro, P. Costa, B. Bosio, 2005

Sea Water Reverse Osmosis plant using the Pressure Exchanger for energy recovery: a calculation model EuroMed 2004 Conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterraneum Countries

G. Migliorini, E. Luzzo, 2004

A new design approach to reduce water cost in MSF evaporators

E. Ghiazza, P. Peluffo, 2003

The scaling of tubes in MSF evaporators: a critical review across 20 years of operational experience

E. Ghiazza, A.M. Ferro, 2001

The scaling of tubes in MSF evaporators: the history, the weapons against it and the new trends

E. Ghiazza, 2001

L’applicazione di modelli matematici rigorosi per la minimizzazione dei costi operativi su impianti di dissalazione di grande capacità en-US

E. Ghiazza, 2000

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