Campania Integrated System For The Disposal Of The MSW

Water Desalination through Renewable Sources
Water Desalination through Renewable Sources
Campania Integrated System For The Disposal Of The MSW
- Process
Municipal Solid Waste | Waste to Energy
- Duration of the project
1999 - 2010
- Client
Since 1999 FISIA ITALIMPIANTI has been head of the consortium in charge of the design, turn-key realization and operation of the integrated system for the disposal of the MSW of Naples and the other Campania provinces.
Since 1999 FISIA ITALIMPIANTI has been head of the consortium in charge of the design, turn-key realization and operation of the integrated system for the disposal of the MSW of Naples and the other Campania provinces (Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno).
The system included seven MSW selection plants and the 600,000 tons/year Acerra WtE plant, one of the largest in Europe.
MSW Selection Plants |
A - Caivano | Naples | 607,000 | |
B - Tufino | Naples | 495,300 | |
C - Guiliano | Naples | 451,500 | |
D - Battipaglia | Salerno | 406,600 | |
E - Santa Maria Capua Vetere | Caserta | 361,700 | |
F - Pianodardine | Avellino | 116,100 | |
G - Casalduni | Benevento | 90,885 | |
WtE Plant | H - Acerra | 600,000 |