Fisia Italimpianti

Worldwide leader
in desalination plants
20,000,000 people served

Sustainability and innovation
for water treatment

Decades of experience in
the sustainable waste management
3,400,000 tons/year


A global leader in Water Treatment

The company, with over 95 years of experience and a worldwide operation, is one of the most competitive global contractors, offering advanced solutions in:

  • Water Desalination
  • Water Treatment
  • Sustainable Waste Management

Fisia Italimpianti can provide a full range of services including the complete technological & engineering, design, procurement, construction and operation and maintenance of plants.

The organization and the operational structure have a consolidated experience, highly qualified staff and the most up-to-date technical tools, shaped to fit the specific needs of public bodies and authorities as well as of private firms.

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Water sustains all

Talete di Mileto, Philosopher

Track records

Desalination plants installed and under construction productivity

4,500,000 m3/d (990 MIGD)

Waste water treatment plants installed and under construction

9,200,000 IE

Potabilization and water reuse capacity

6,600,000 m3/d (1,400 MIGD)

People served by our desalination plants


Social & Environmental Challenges

Fisia Italimpianti exerts a constant effort in environmental issues. The aim is to offer a decisive contribute to the sustainable resolution of two main complex issues: environmental pollution and potable water scarcity manly in developing countries.
Fisia Italimpianti is playing a key role in developing advanced technologies to obtain energy from the Renewable Sources and from waste, also using it to get potable water.

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We believe in our people

Our People: Engineering Expertise

In an ever more complex and competitive world, human capital is a key factor in maintaining our leadership: it is the key element of Fisia Italiampianti’s success.

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Benchmark in the international debate on major works, We Build Value is Webuild Group’s digital magazine. It shares details and eye witness accounts of big international names and takes an original look at the market and trends of infrastructure, the new challenges in the field of sustainability and the role of industry in economic growth.