
Fisia Italimpianti, Webuild Group. Health&Safety: one million of safe working hours at Zuluf WTP (Saudi Arabia)

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Fisia Italimpianti, Webuild Group, has celebrated one million working hours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI) at Zuluf Water Treatment Plant (Saudi Arabia).

The project involves construction and management of a water treatment plant for the Zuluf onshore oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.
Located in eastern Saudi Arabia, approximately 6 kilometres west of the airport in Tanajib, the plant will treat, degas and filter water for iron and suspended solids at a maximum production capacity of 185,000 cubic metres per day. The water plant will feed the injection facility to inject the water in the offshore oil wells, to facilitate the production of Arab Heavy crude oil.

This milestone highlights the attention that Fisia Italimpianti and the entire Group place on the health and safety of its workers, also thanks to the application of international best practices in terms of training and safety culture.


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